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我公司是中國(guó)建設監理行業标準《建設工程監理工作評價标準》(T/CECS 723-2020 T/CAEC 01-2020)的參編單位之一。爲進(jìn)一步加強科學(xué)管理,提供更優質的服務,公司通過(guò)了ISO9001質量體系認證,ISO14001環境管理體系認證,ISO45001職業健康安全認證,對(duì)項目實施過(guò)程進(jìn)行嚴格的标準化管理,以确保監理服務質量。在25年的發(fā)展曆程中,公司始終堅持以“顧客滿意、信譽爲根、服務爲本”的經(jīng)營理念,今後(hòu)仍將(jiāng)一以貫之努力爲每位顧客提供高效、優質的服務,借鑒國(guó)内外先進(jìn)的管理模式和科技手段,積極構築“新建設咨詢”平台,成(chéng)爲業界值得信賴的全過(guò)程工程咨詢服務供應商。



新建設 成(chéng)就(jiù)大未來





Shanghai New Construction Engineering Consulting Co. Ltd (SHNCC) was founded in 1996, formerly known as the NCC Auditing Firm affiliated to Science and Technology Office of Shanghai Urban Construction and Management Committee. It is a consulting company specializing in providing construction cost consultation, project management (agent construction), project supervision, and construction project bidding agency services, and has been qualified with the Grade A for Engineering Cost Consultation, Housing construction project supervision, Bidding Agency, Engineering Consultation, and other relative certificates. It is an AAA contract credit company as well as a grade A tax credit rating company.

Since the establishment of the company, relying on the powerful human-resources and strong technical advantages, The company has established branches in Xi'an, Shenzhen, Jinan, Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Jiaxing, Xining, Haikou, Hefei and other cities. It has undertaken hundreds of projects, which has brought considerable economic benefits to the construction units and won a public praise for itself as well. SHNCC, with its compound professional advantages in project management, engineering technology and project financial accounting, offers the whole-process project cost consultation service covering prophase project management, bidding agency, investment estimation in early stage plan, compilation and verification of construction drawing budget, and audit settlement of completed projects.

The company actively advocates and practices innovative development and brand building concepts. In November 2018, it was assessed as a high-tech enterprise by the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission. In 2019, SHNCC applied for Shanghai Science and Technology Little Giant Cultivation Enterprise. In 2020, it became one of the first (11) construction safety production liability insurance risk management institutions in Shanghai and it continued to explore management models such as TIS and BIM+.

SHNCC has a team with all the members master-skilled, diligent, and qualified.They will serve all the clients wholeheartedly by providing custom-made plans as well as professional services and advices during all the project development stages.

Insisting on the principle of “Customer-Satisfied, Credibility-Based, and Service-Oriented”, and learning from the advanced management modes and technology means home and broad, NCC is making great efforts to have every client obtained total-effective and high-class services in management, economy and technology.